Drayton Hall will close at 1:30pm on Saturday, December 21, 2024. We will return to normal hours on Sunday, December 22.
Voted the Best Place to See by Condé Nast Traveler.


Vitruviana Symposium Examines Classical Architecture in Charleston


Vitruviana LogoVitruviana 2014 is the third in a series of annual Charleston symposia examining the development of classical architecture and design in America through the lens of the South Carolina Lowcountry.

Vitruviana is a collaborative effort co-hosted by Drayton Hall, The Preservation Society of Charleston, the Center for Palladian Studies in America, the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation at Clemson University and the College of Charleston, Historic Charleston Foundation, The South Carolina Historical Society, and the Historic Preservation and Community Planning Program at the College of Charleston.

The symposium begins April 11th in downtown Charleston with a full day of lectures at the Charleston Museum, to be followed on the 12th with an optional guided walking tour exploring many of Charleston’s urban spaces.

Titled Vitruviana in honor of Vitruvius (c. 80 -15 BC), the author of De architectura, the only major book on architecture to survive from classical antiquity, event speakers include Carl Lounsbury of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Jonathan Poston of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, Virginia Architectural Historian Calder Loth, Bernard Herman of UNC Chapel Hill, Faye Jenson of the South Carolina Historical Society, and designer Jenny Bevan. The optional guided walking tour on day two will explore Charleston’s Courthouse, the Exchange Building, St. Michael’s Church, City Hall, the Customs House, and others. Discounts are available for members of Drayton Hall, The Preservation Society of Charleston, The Center for Palladian Studies, and Historic Charleston Foundation.

For more information, please visit the official Vitruviana website or contact Carter Hudgins, deputy director of Drayton Hall, at (843) 769-2717 or chudgins@draytonhall.org