Voted the Best Place to See by Condé Nast Traveler.
Drayton Hall will be closed February 3-7 and 12-13 for annual cleaning and maintenance.


New Grant Funds for Drayton Hall


Posted by Jessica Garrett, Director of Development

When good news comes on April Fool’s Day, I usually take a step back to make sure it’s the real thing, and most of the time, of course, it’s just a good joke. But not today!

We were thrilled to hear that Drayton Hall was one of nine National Trust Historic Sites awarded a grant from the National Trust Interpretation and Education Fund.  This $14,785 grant will provide much needed updates and significant additions to our website by allowing us to complete three projects.

The first project involves overhauling the “Online Tour” and replacing it with a  new, visitor-driven 360-degree-view tour of the house and landscape, including spots that are currently inaccessible to visitors. The second project will help us reach our student audience better by adding flash-based interactive activities for our three most popular education programs. Lastly, we’ll update content throughout the site to reflect new research and current scholarship. Now that over three quarters of our “visitors” are people who experience Drayton Hall through our website, this is more important than ever.

To learn more about this grant and about the National Trust Interpretation and Education Fund’s other 2010 grants, please visit the National Trust’s Historic Sites Weblog.

*Photo by Taylor Stewart