Go Team DH! Rikki, Craig & Leslie at the finish line.
Posted by Leslie Newman, Interpreter/Educator
Not even early morning torrential rains and Woodstock-like muddy parking fields could prevent several Drayton Hall staffers from participating in the
Susan G. Komen 5K Race for the Cure to raise funds for breast cancer research on Saturday, October 18, 2008. Six of us decided to brave the less-than-ideal conditions. The intrepid souls who showed up were Craig Tuminaro, Rikki Davenport, Carter Hudgins and his wife, Grayson, Sarah Stroud, and me, Leslie Newman. In spite of our concerns, the weather did not prove to be a problem at all. After a light shower at the start, the rains stopped and temperatures in the mid-60’s made the conditions comfortable.
Craig crossed the finish line at about 24 minutes (go Craig!); then Rikki, who decided to jog after a frustrating first mile with the walkers; and finally me, bringing up the rear. Craig and Rikki were waiting with camera in hand as I “triumphantly” crossed the finish line. Hooray and many thanks to those who came out for such a worthy cause.
I would like to also extend sincere appreciation. My thanks to those who signed up for the race, but were unable to participate and to other Drayton Hall staffers who made financial contributions to the Komen fund on our behalf, and offered their encouragement and support. I am already looking forward to the 2009 Race for the Cure – hope to see you there!